Explaining here some configuration values that may not be very clear
# The time, in seconds, between each King's Anvil event. You can always start manually with /ka startloop-delay:3600# Whether or not the plugin should indicate the world name when showing coordinates in the chatcoords-world:true# How long, in seconds, the event will lastevent-duration:600# How many players must be on the server in order for the event to startmin-online:3# If enabled, a scoreboard will show on the right side of the screen when an event is active and display informations about the event. You can customize the scoreboard in the scoreboard.yml file (Requires PlaceholderAPI).enable-scoreboard:true# If enabled, will spawn an anvil floating above the holder's headanvil-display:true# If enabled, the person who held the anvil for the longest time will also get rewards as well as the person who had the anvil when the event ended (if it's the same player, they won't get double rewardsreward-time:true# Maximum amount of rewards that can be obtained by a player during an eventmax-rewards:3# If enabled, will show messages as if King's Anvil was a whole event (eg: The event has started)event-type-messages:true# Will show messages with informations about how rewards are rolledroll-debug:true
For example, if enabled, will show world, 123, 45, 678 as coordinates, but will only show 123, 45, 678 if disabled.
The plugin automatically counts which player held the anvil for the longest during the event. If this is enabled, this player will also get rewards.